Havila Voyages has succeeded in refinancing its fleet, and as of today is the owner of the coastal vessel Havila Capella, according to a press release.
With the refinancing in place, Havila Voyages has settled the termination amounts with the original lender into a blocked account and released all securities that the original lender held on the company’s ships and assets.
This means that the company is the legal owner of the coastal vessels Havila Capella and Havila Castor, completely free from any ties to the sanctioned and former lender, the company said in a statement.
“Having completed the refinancing and now owning both Havila Capella and Havila Castor without any ties to the sanctioned and former lender is a significant day for Havila Voyages,” noted CEO Bent Martini.
Martini is in Turkey to take delivery of Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux, which have been completed at the Tersan shipyard.
“We had hoped to take delivery of our last two ships this week and have the crew ready to bring both ships home here. It has been time consuming to settle the termination amounts, but now that we have accomplished it, we can take delivery of Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux early next week.
“Unfortunately, this means that we didn’t manage to register Havila Pollux in time for her to be ready for the planned start-up in route. It is deeply regrettable, but beyond our control.”
As a result, Havila Pollux’s scheduled departure from Bergen will be moved to August 23, while Havila Polaris will start in route as planned on August 17.
“At the beginning of next week, we will take delivery of both Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux. Once we take delivery, our crews will move onboard as soon as possible, and then we will get the necessary equipment and provisions cleared through customs for the journey back home. The ship will undergo its final check, and then they will set course for Bergen. Depending on the weather conditions encountered during the voyage, it will take 10 to 12 days to sail the ships back to Norway. There will be busy days ahead to prepare the ships and put the final touches in Bergen before we can welcome the first guests on board for their maiden voyages.”