SunStone Ships along with CMI Leisure Management and Cruise Management International are coming to the aid of Ukrainian crew members and their families.
“We have made the decision to help all Ukrainian crew on SunStone vessels. We have offered our 65 Ukrainian crew and/or their families to get them into safety onboard our laid up vessels in France, or in apartments we have rented in Romania or in Georgia,” said Niels-Erik Lund, CEO of SunStone Ships which is the largest provider of expedition tonnage in the cruise industry.
“In close cooperation with our Ukrainian Crewing Agent, Alpha Navigation, the families are bused to the closest airport outside Ukraine and flown to Paris, and from there bused to Caen in France, where we have four vessels, and all the facilities needed,” he told Cruise Industry News.
“We have also had some who wanted to go to Romania, and Alpha Navigation has arranged to get them bused to Romania,” Lund said. “We believe this is the best way SunStone can help and support our Ukrainian colleagues and their families in this very difficult and terrible situation.”