“Our revenue management teams held on price when we experienced an impact on bookings for near-term sailings, optimizing our longer-term prospects for future revenue and pricing,” said David Bernstein, CFO, Carnival Corporation, on the company’s first quarter earnings call.
Despite the Omicron wave earlier in the year, he said the company’s nine brands and revenue management teams held firm on ticket prices.
The end of March saw occupancy ranges approaching 70 percent on company ships, Bernstein said.
“We are seeing good solid booking trends at good solid pricing,” he said of the company’s core deployments. “We mentioned that our revenue management teams are holding pricing. And we are seeing good volume.”
And bookings are good, with Bernstein noting some volumes for the second quarter that he said exceeded 2019 levels.
“Which,” he said, “(is) not surprising from the perspective that, we have more inventory to sell for the second quarter than we did for 2019. But it’s great that the demand is there and we are seeing the volume.”