With the Crystal Serenity and Symphony arrested in Freeport, and the Endeavor on its way to Montevideo in Uruguay, here’s a status update and look at what’s potentially next for the Crystal Cruises fleet.
How We Got Here
- Crystal previously announced it would suspend cruising through the end of April. Parent company Genting Hong Kong has filed to wind up its business as it warned it would run out of cash.
- A key fuel supplier who is claiming to be owed millions of dollars filed an action in a Florida court in January which led to a judge issuing a signed warrant for the arrest of the Crystal Symphony. The ship was rerouted to avoid docking in Miami. With the two ocean-going ships arriving in Freeport they were arrested and will not be able to sail until the debts are cleared.
What’s Next For the Ships and Crew
- Crew members onboard said they have been paid for January, although a few days late.
- Even with the ships arrested, the court system will not restrict crew movements, so crew can go home and also rejoin the ships if necessary.
- The ships will most likely be taken down to minimum manning (crew) numbers as crew rotate off contract. Maintenance could be slim.
- Court appointed liquidators will now essentially take over, organizing debt and attempting to get creditors paid. In previous cases, ships are sold at auction if the shipowner cannot come to agreements with its creditors.
- In previous cases, banks and fuel companies that have had ships arrested are in their own fix: they need to be paid but don’t want to own the ship; neither does a court-appointed liquidator. They will be looking for a quick and easy solution.
- It is entirely possible for the shipowner to buy the ships back from the court at a discount, thereby reorganizing and clearing any debts.