After buying it in October, Carnival Fascination’s new owner is staffing up the 2,800-guest vessel.
Since November, Century Harmony Cruise Limited has been looking for several positions, including Staff Captain, IT Manager, Hotel Manager and more. The recruitment is being carried out by a European manning agency, which also serves other cruise lines.
Incorporated in the Marshall Islands, Century Harmony was registered in November 25. The company is believed to be linked to Asian interests, who plan to transform the Fascination into a hotel ship.
According to multiple sources, the ship is expected to assume its new role in Asia soon. Built in 1994, the Fascination is the fourth Fantasy-class ship.
After 26 years serving Carnival Cruise Line, the ship paused its cruise services in March, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As other ships of the fleet, the Fascination was used on repatriation voyages, returning crew members to Africa and India.
On July 29, it arrived in Cádiz, Spain, entering cold layup soon after.