Will Carnival Cruise Line relaunch service in December?
It appears changes may be coming as the Miami-based cruise company removed all December sailings from its website at the end of October. There were previously multiple cruises available for booking.
The move came just a day after the CDC dropped its “No Sail” order in favor of a Conditional Framework approach to have cruise lines return to service.
Previously Carnival had trimmed its December deployment, opting to concentrate on just a handful of ships sailing short cruises from Miami and Port Canaveral in a staggered, phased-in resumption of service.
Ships involved included the Conquest, Horizon and Sunrise from Miami, while the Elation, Liberty and d Breeze were potentially poised to sail from Port Canaveral.
The line will now not only need to certify its ships with a 30-day notice from the Department of Justice, but also apply for a CDC permit to conduct cruise operations with new health and safety protocols.