SeaDream Yacht Club is implementing Adonis’ human resources and payroll platform according to a press release.
With its ships operating in Norway, the vessels are easily accessible and the implementation project will be completed much quicker and SeaDream will start to see the benefits much sooner, Adonis said, in a prepared statement.
“We are very excited about this project and looking forward to streamlining and automating many of our crew administration and planning functions,” said Jannik Madsen, Director Maritime Personnel Manager at SeaDream’s head office in Oslo.
“Even though we currently only have two ships in operation, there is an urgent requirement to migrate to a new personnel administration solution. The opportunities presented by Adonis’ Self-Service module are significant and the value of this aspect will only increase as we roll it out through the company. The efficiencies this will bring will enable us to make significant time and cost,” added Madsen.
Sigrid Kviteberg, Chief Operations Officer at Adonis, added: “Our many years of experience with other high-profile luxury cruise lines such as SeaDream means we have the experience and expertise to address the requirements high end cruise lines have.
“Ships in the expedition cruise sector often set course for places where even satellite-based internet may not even reach. At that point it is vitally important to have a robust solution that allows operations to continue uninterrupted. The fact that SeaDream have chosen Adonis as their technology partner for such an important part of their operations is an endorsement of our platform and a declaration of trust that we greatly appreciate.”