Fincantieri has suspended production at its Italian shipyards for two weeks, according to a press release.
“Following the coronavirus emergency and in order to apply the measures that the Italian Government has gradually determined, Fincantieri has promptly carried out a series of actions aimed at preventing and countering the chance of infections in its shipyards,” the group said, in a press release.
“In line with this, Fincantieri considers its key priorities – once again – the protection of its personnel and subcontractors, as well as meeting the current needs of our country. For this reason, and as requested by the Italian trade unions in the March 12 press release of the FIM, FIOM, and UILM secretariats, the company decided to suspend production activities at the Italian sites of Fincantieri SpA. From March 16 to March 29, the production will be suspended through the anticipation of the collective holidays with respect to their traditional use in the summer period.”