Another expedition ship, with an option, is in the works for an undisclosed owner. Ulstein Verft said it signed a letter of a intent with an undisclosed owner for the construction of one or more expedition cruise vessels.
Ulstein did not reply to a request for further information.
“The past few years we have worked strategically to target the exploration cruise market. This LOI proves that we are now confirming our position in this market. We are pleased to have been chosen as partner in this exciting project and we now look forward to turning this project into reality,” stated CEO Gunvor Ulstein, Ulstein Group.
The vessels will be designed by Ulstein Design & Solutions to incorporate the distinctive X-BOW design, and will be 120 metres long and 20 metres wide.
The vessels will surpass the newest regulatory demands for taking passengers into Arctic and Antarctic waters, and are planned for delivery in 2019 and 2020.