The Canadian port of Saguenay, on the St. Lawrence, has 50 reasons to smile in 2017 with 50 ship calls expected, after starting with its first ship visit in 2006.
“We work hard,” said Priscilla Nemey, executive vice president of Promotion Saguenay. “This season (2016) is our 10th anniversary, and we are planning on a lot of festivities. This year is extra special because the Queen Mary 2 is calling in October.”
She said there are special events planned for each of the port’s 38 calls in 2016, as part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the port’s cruise business.
Not only is the Queen Mary 2 making its first visit to the port this year, the ship is booked in 2017 and 2018 as well, said Nemey.
The port was built out for cruise ships to the specs of the Queen Mary 2, according to Nemey.
As well, for multiple ship days, the port is now running its own (and free) tender operations to help cruise lines. The port now has two tenders with capacity for 125 and 175 passengers, respectively.