Venice Passenger Terminal, founded by the Port Authority in 1997 to promote and increase passenger traffic in the Port of Venice, has commissioned a feasibility study for a quay and terminal for the latest generation mega ships.
The area chosen for the new passenger terminal is a site that straddles the districts of the Municipality of Venice and that of Mira, on the Canale dei Petroli between the Avesa and Dogaletto Canals. Besides being subject to the least restrictions in terms of usage and environmental impact, access to this site is easy by ship and by land transportation.
The area is basically a lagoon, with only occasional mudflats, and it is one of the very few areas that have almost no tide delays. As regards navigability, the Harbourmaster’s Office is responsible for the Canale dei Petroli, where the maximum speed limit is 20 km/h, while the Dogaletto and Moranzani Canals come under the Water Authority and navigation is allowed at a maximum speed of 7 km/h.
In order to allow ships to moor, the new quay will be about 400 metres long and 20 metres wide to ensure that the mooring place is sheltered from the north wind and to allow smooth departures. There is also a provision for a two-story 5,000 square meter passenger terminal with the possibility for modular expansion. Arrivals and departures will be on the upper floor, along with parking and a baggage layout area. The cost of the project, which includes building and port facility construction and engineering services, is estimated at 95 million euro. The construction period is expected to be 14 months.