The Ken Wright Cruise Ship Pier in Port Antonio in Jamaica has experienced its busiest winter season with the arrival of 12 boutique cruise ships over the 2022-23 season, according to a statement from the Caribbean Tourism Organization.
Jamaica Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett said: “We had a chance to look at the Ken Wright Pier, which has now been brought back into activity post-COVID. We’re very happy to note that they had a record arrival of vessels in the winter that added to the economic well-being of the people in the area. It’s a good signal that the activities at the pier are stepping up and I want to commend the team at PAJ and JAMVAC who have been working to get the Port Antonio cruise industry back on track.”
Bartlett also indicated that discussions for further development of the Ken Wright Pier are underway and that he hopes the pier will become a preferred port of call for cruise ships.
“The government is channeling significant investments into transforming the eastern end of the island. That’s why the Destination Assurance Framework and Strategy (DAFS) is so important. We are preparing the public and stakeholders to all play their parts in bringing together a unique and profitable tourism experience for the people of Portland as well as visitors,” added Bartlett.
Given the Port Antonio pier’s upward trajectory, Bartlett suggested that plans are in development to incorporate Navy Island into the tourism product but further details will be announced later.