MAN PrimeServ completed a retrofit on Ambassador Cruise Lines’ Ambience, according to a press release.
The project included the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems and replacing the turbochargers of two MAN 8L58/64 engines with modern MAN TCA 66 units. The goal of the project was to make Ambassador’s ship compatible with its Tier III emission standards.
Olaf Gunia, head of PrimeServ Hamburg, said: “This retrofit really establishes Ambassador’s green credentials within the cruise segment and the SCR solution is performing well with a NO removal rate of 93 percent. Increasingly, we are receiving similar requests from cruise and ferry operations that wish to become sustainable without the need for mandated industry legislation.”
Bernd Siebert, head of retrofits and upgrades, MAN PrimeServ, said: “This entire project proved challenging owing to – among other factors – the long cold lay-up of the ship due to the covid-19 pandemic, and the tight timeframe for completion. Happily, our work on the Ambience has optimized the interaction between the newly installed SCR system, turbochargers and engines and the vessel is now Tier III-compatible and fit for service in one of the globe’s most pristine, natural environments.”