An all new Cruise Ship Secondhand Market Report by Cruise Industry News is available for download, highlighting cruise ship transactions from 1983 to July 2022, including secondhand sales, vessel withdrawals/retirements, company transfers, charters and other deals.
The Cruise Ship Secondhand Market Report (1983-2022) presents an annual account of known ship transactions giving an overview of trends over the years, including the busy period of activity since the onset of the pandemic.
There is also an index of ship withdrawals, information on transaction values, estimated transaction values, estimated scrap prices and more. Excel data is available as an option.
Included in this report:
- 1983-2022 Cruise Ship secondhand market data independently sourced and published by Cruise Industry News. Each year (from 1983 through December 2020) shows known vessel transactions based on fully independent research; also includes some key charters.
- Includes a section on cruise ship withdrawals and retirements.
- Ship transactions include cruise line, ship, tonnage/passenger capacity, and terms (if available).
- 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 ship sales have estimated values based on CIN’s 40-year history and independent valuation techniques.
- Data and information you need in just 35 pages to plan to present a complete over view of cruise ship transaction history.
- Instant download ability – no waiting for mail – this report is 100 percent digital.