Various rumors and odd “news” as heard by the Cruise Industry News editorial team at the 2015 Cruise Shipping Miami conference on Wednesday.
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Martinique: One amazing Caribbean success story has been Martinique, which is seeing a 74 percent rise in cruise passengers next year. A very proactive tourism department is leading the charge, as well as dredging in the harbor. The island expects some 400,000 passengers by 2020.
SkySea: Could SkySea be adding a second ship to start operation as soon as April of 2016? The Ctrip and Royal Caribbean joint venture has been busy building up its sales channels through Ctrip and other retailers and news could come soon.
Carnival Ship Shuffle: Carnival continues to tweak its deployment, with the latest interesting twist being that the Carnival Sunshine will run a varied seasonal program out of New York with cruises ranging from two to 10 days in 2016, before also moving to Charleston and Norfolk for a series of sailings. Carnival has yet to announce other deployment from New York in 2016 apart from the new Carnival Vista which will visit Manhattan’s west side cruise piers between her summer season in Europe and a winter sailing out of Miami.
Mitel Fun: Mitel took over the #CSM2015 hashtag on Twitter earlier this week by having what seemed like an endless amount of its own employees retweet a single tweet promoting Mitel’s CSM push. Twitter users looking for #CSM2015 were only encountering Mitel retweets instead of anything real and/or interesting.