Page 20 - 2025 China Market Report
P. 20


                                ROYAL CARIBBEAN


                                                                     ince we entered service on April 27, the reality is
                                                               “Sthat within four weeks we were back to load factors
                                                             of historical levels, and we have maintained that throughout
                                                             this year. To have a load factor that is just shy of 120 in our
                                                             first year back is a remarkable achievement. That is also real
                                                             evidence of the appetite for Chinese consumers to come back
                                                             and sail with us.
                                                               “Royal Caribbean is the only cruise line that has stayed
                                                             absolutely committed to the market,” Bouldin continued. “Yes,
                                                             we have had two ships, three ships and one ship, but we have
                                                             always been here, at least when we were allowed to, so from
                                                             that point we have been very consistent.
                                                               “And that is continuing into 2025,” he added. “The demand
                                                             from the trade is just remarkable. At the moment I am dealing
                                                             with questions about why we cannot provide more capacity
                                                             and how we can grow capacity more quickly. And while there
                                                             has been some price chatter in the marketplace, that has not
              Benjamin Bouldin, president of                involved Royal Caribbean.”
             Royal Caribbean International, China
                                                             Shanghai and Hong Kong
                                                               Bouldin said that the program Royal Caribbean currently
          “We have come back from                            has on sale and has been offering with the Spectrum of the
          the pandemic at a remarkable                       Seas since April 27 of this year, offers a variety of sailings from
                                                             Shanghai, three, four and five nights up to seven and eight. He
          recovery speed. Because we                         noted that this also allows the cruise line to explore the various
          came back a couple of years                        ports that are available in South Korea and Japan. And the split
                                                             China deployment between Shanghai and Hong Kong allows
          later than the world’s cruise                      the Spectrum to go to some other destinations as well.
                                                               “The itinerary mix we can get from Hong Kong is a little
          business, I think some of that                     bit more diverse, which means we can target slightly better
                                                             weather,” Bouldin noted.
          performance gets a bit lost                          “The international markets seem to be historically drawn to
          in the translation,” Benjamin                      Hong Kong over the festive period, which gives us a unique
                                                             opportunity to bring more international guests to the market,
          Bouldin, president of Royal                        something that the Hong Kong Tourist Board is very support-
                                                             ive of.
          Caribbean International,                           performance. Historically, Hong Kong, has delivered excep-
                                                               “What it comes down to is where do you achieve the best
          China, told Cruise Industry                        tionally strong results for us (in December and January), and
          News.                                              the booking demand out of Hong Kong at the moment is very

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