Page 18 - 2025 China Market Report
P. 18


            Capacity Breakdown Table:
                                                    2016       2017       2018        2019       2020       2021
            Ship A: 584:                          30,368     30,368      23,360     23,360     23,360      23,360
            Ship B*: 2,000:                                             104,000    104,000    104,000    104,000*
            Ship C: 5,000:                                                                    160,000     160,000

            (1 ship/584 berths)                   30,368     30,368
            (2 ships/2,584 berths)                                      127,360    127,360
            (3 ships/7,584 berths)                                                            287,360
            (2 ships/5,584 berths)                                                                        183,360

            1.  Ship name and    3.  Estimated ca-  4.  Total estimated   5.  As more ships join   6.  An asterisk means
              total berths at 100   pacity for calen-  capacity for calen-  the fleet, we add   that the capacity is ac-
              percent double        dar year at 100   dar year at 100     new rows to each     counted for in the total line,
              occupancy.            percent double    percent double      table, and a new     but the ship and berths are
                                    occupancy for     occupancy for the   total row as well.   not counted, to avoid dou-
            2.  Total number of     specific ship.    brand.                                   bling of ships and berths.
              ships in a cruise                                                                Ship and berths are thus
              line’s fleet; total                                                              accounted for in another
              number of beds.                                                                  chapter.


                                              2022        2023        2024        2025       2026        2027
           Mediterranea: 2,100:                          37,800    153,300     153,300     153,300     153,300
           (1 ship/2,100 berths)                        37,800
           Adora Magic City: 5,000:                                365,000     365,000     365,000     365,000
           (2 ships/7,100 berths)                                  518,300     518,300    518,300
           Adora Newbuild: 5,000:                                                                      365,000
           (3 ships/12,100 berths)                                                                    883,300
          Astro Ocean:

                                              2016        2017        2018        2019       2020        2021
           Piano Land: 1,806:                                                   54,180       9,030
           (1 ship/1,806 berths)                                                54,180       9,030

                                              2022        2023        2024        2025       2026        2027
           Piano Land: 1,806:                                        54,180    131,838     131,838     131,838
           (1 ship/1,806 berths)                                    54,180     131,838    131,838     131,838

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