Page 2 - 2024 CIN Annual Report
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         TA           B      L     E


                                                       10     CRUISE INDUSTRY 2024
                                                       10     Forecasting a Record Year
                                                       14     Cruise Industry 2024
                                                       16     2024 Infographic
                                                       18     Glossary
                                                       20     2024 Industry Breakdown
                10                                     22     Major Sailing Regions
                                                       24     Major Product Groups

                                                       26     WORLDWIDE INDUSTRY
                                                       26     Market Dynamics
                                                       30     World Cruise Fleet 1998-2033

                                                       35     2024-2033
               26                                      35     2024: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                              2025: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       46     2026: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       52     2027: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       58     2028: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       64     2029: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       68     2030: The Largest Cruise Companies
                                                       72     Company Capacity Growth
               35                                      80     Key Deployments
                                                              Global Cruise Ship Orderbook

                                                       89     CRUISE CAPACITY
                                                       89     Contemporary Market
                                                       144  Premium Market
                                                       178  Budget Market
                                                       198  Luxury Market
                                                       222  Expedition Market
               89                                      244  Niche Market                             „„„„„„

         6      Cruise Industry News | 2024 Annual Report
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