2025 China Market Report


A comprehensive look into the Chinese cruise market for 2025 and the future. With the latest supply metrics, this 80-page report shows the past, present and future of the Chinese cruise business.


This comprehensive report presents the Chinese cruise market for 2025 and beyond.

If you are looking for a complete overview of the current and future state of the Chinese cruise business as supply adjusts to demand, look no further.

Published Oct. 6, 2024.

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This report, which is an instant download PDF, includes 80 pages of independently-researched data and exclusive analysis, research, interviews, articles and more.

This comprehensive report provides a breakdown of the Chinese market by operator, berths and capacity, with key supply metrics going forward to 2027 and with past data back to 2015.

In addition are profiles on all the players in the market, pricing trends, the supply/demand situation and much more.

The Cruise Industry News 2025 China Market Report Includes:

  • Year-by-year market reports on China from 2015 through 2027.
  • Updated data including projected capacity and realized (actual, pre pandemic) capacity, plus projections for 2024, 2025 and beyond with new ship and supply scenarios.
  • Capacity is by brand, operator and by ship.
  • Updated data based on original and independent research done by CIN’s editorial team.
  • Interviews with top executives at major cruise brands operating in the Asia-Pacific and Chinese market.
  • Articles profiling at all major brands and companies in the market, with exclusive-one-one-interviews.
  • Market data through 2027, showing supply projections and capacity outlook.
  • Key developments for 2025 and beyond, plus what to expect for the future of the cruise industry in China.
  • Market capacity breakdown for the Chinese market by cruise line.
  • Fully independent reporting and research.